Meet Kasheena
Kasheena Griner, is a licensed clinical social worker in Georgia. She obtained her Master's of Social Work from Valdosta State University and Bachelor's of Business Administration from Georgia State University. Kasheena bridges her corporate background and social service experience to present the best possible product and services to meet the needs of the clients she serves.
Growing up in the small town of Sandersville, GA Kasheena grew up hearing so much about the world of mental health. Her mother worked tirelessly for over 30 years at Central State Hospital, formerly a mental institution in the neighboring town. Hearing the cases was always intriguing. While mental health was intriguing, Kasheena didn't even so much as consider that route. After working in corporate for nearly 10 years, Kasheena continued to look for work that fueled her passion to help others. Having been the "go to" person for many friends and family, she fell naturally into the role of therapist and confidant.
Most of Kasheena's clinical experience came while working with the homeless and uninsured population in Atlanta area in an integrated care setting. It was this experience where Kasheena understood the important connection between maintaining good overall health in order to live our best life.
The name Integrated Concepts spawn from the years of integrated experience and recognizing the benefits of treating the whole person, not just a symptom. Symptoms get crossed up and confused often. Depending on your specific area of focus, it could change depending on who is asking the question. I created a model to help practices keep the integrity of the practice focus while incorporating a few tweaks that allows you to the whole person...integrated concepts.

Specializing in Anxiety, Depression, Relationship issues, Women's Issues, Young Adults
Anxiety manifests itself in many different ways. Sometimes it could look like racing thoughts and very little sleep. It could also look like constant nail biting and second guessing. It could also look like high achievers, top performers and the person others perceive have it altogether. Whether either of them are you or something different, anxiety can either push you or hinder you. I can help you with practical techniques to help manage your anxiety from day to day no matter the setting your anxiety presents itself.
What does depression look like? Depression doesn't have a look. More importantly, depression doesn't have a voice. At least not until now. The reality is, depression is a silent killer among our society. Everyone handles it differently. Let me help determine how to manage yours.
Relationship Issues
Relationship issues can be with a significant other or any interpersonal relationship. It is important to recognize your contribution and accept accountability for your own actions. You can only control you and how you respond, no others. It is important discover healthy ways to communicate in order to maintain respect and garner the relationship you desire.
Women's Issues
Heavy is the head that wears the crown. There are so many things women carry day to day from child rearing, managing companies and households and now add teacher to some of our resume is quite taxing. As women, we sometimes find ourselves just doing rather than feeling. As you keep it moving, there is a tendency to neglect what's most important, YOU. There are also those times when nothing in particular is wrong yet you find yourself stuck.
Young Adults
"Just figure it out", they say. "You should know what you want to do by now". "You have to do this, then that, and then that and you should be where you want to be". Except, you're not. Now what? Figuring life out is hard without careful guidance in addition to healthy doses of accountability and responsibility. Not all lessons have to be learned from direct experience. Listening helps too. All the answers may not be there but we can at least work through them together.